Monday, September 9, 2013


Tonight I wanted to take a few moments to say that I am truly blessed beyond measure! Sometimes I might procrastinate, forget things, or lose my patience but at the end of the day everything will be OK! I am a forgiven Savage Girl, that is saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and it continuously washes me clean daily, and I have the hope of an eternal home in heaven one day waiting for me. I am blessed!

One of the toughest challenges for me is to be patient, listen to God, and do as He simply instructs for me to do each day. Sometimes I forget to remember how blessed I truly am because I get wrapped up in everything I have going on in my Savage life. Maybe you have the same challenge! Here are a few things I try to keep in mind each day:
  1. Be open to hear God's Word. 
  2. Keep in mind that God is all loving and trustworthy!
  3. God commands us to follow Him. If we truly are His follower we will do so no matter if our friends and family are following, because God commands it. 
  4. Obey and follow God's instruction no matter what challenges and adversity we face.   
  5. Be loving and dedicated no matter the cost.
God challenges us and tests us to see if we will be faithful to Him. "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him" (Jeremiah 17:7).

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