Wednesday, March 27, 2013


For those of you who do not know this pledge it is the "4-H Club" pledge. I learned this pledge in the 4th grade at Celina K-8 and it has been something near and dear to my heart since. I got the opportunity to share my 4-H passion as a 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent in Franklin County, Tennessee from 2006-2009. My favorite line is "My hands to large service". Service is an act of helpful activity, help, or aid. My parents taught me this from a very young age long before I was a 4-H'er. Serving and giving is a passion of mine. I love giving back and helping others. Sometimes I have a hard time saying NO. I know Jesus says that it is better to give than to receive according to Acts 20:35. Matthew 5:16 says, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." I don't think God would give me more than I could handle, so I'm up for the challenge!
Today I got to help out a fellow Christian sister. She has been under the weather for the past few days and she asked if I could fill in for her. So I said yes! Tonight I got the opportunity to help her out and teach the teen girls class during the bible study hour. My normal teaching quarter is July-September and I've always taught elementary kids bible classes, so tonight was a little different, but I enjoyed the challenge and new opportunity to teach the teen girls class. 
On the agenda tonight was to start a character study of the women in the bible, so we kicked it off learning about Eve tonight. I challenged the girls to not blame others like both Adam and Eve did when they sinned and ate the forbidden fruit in the garden. I challenged them to stop the blame game and own up to their sin. "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" 1 John 1:8-9. I know that I am not perfect and I am as guilty as everyone else about playing the "blame game" of blaming others for my sins. We must own up to our sins and confess them instead of blaming our friends, parents, spouse, job, your circumstance, finances, God, etc. We can enjoy forgiveness and peace when we confess our sins. 
I am thankful for Eve and the possibilities that I might one day be given because of her sinful act in the garden (thinking about a future family one day...). Because of Adam & Eve and their sin we get to experience childbirth, husbands being the head of the household, hard work, labor & service, and death. These are just a few thoughts about all the future possibilities that lie ahead in life for me and possibly you...   

Monday, March 25, 2013

My Dig Deeper

One of my goals this year was to put God first in my life. This should be on every Christian’s list of priorities and goals annually…just saying, but I’m not your judge...God is. And sometimes even I need a reality check about this and lately I’ve had several check-ups on life priorities! I feel I lack in this area some so this year I wanted to focus more on my spiritual life and dig deeper into my faith and what I believe. I’m striving to become a godly follower of Christ, daughter, sister, friend, county agent, student, and one day future wife and mother if Mr. Right arrives. So to dig deeper this year I have been trying to focus more on this part of my life. To help me stay focused I thought I needed to review and check-in on what I’ve been doing thus far into the year…and no this is not to is just a self-reality check-up for myself...and I thought my blog readers out there might enjoy the read.
  1. Daily Bible Reading & Devotional—This year I decided I wanted to try reading the bible in its entirety cover to cover. At the age of 28 I’ve never done this before, so I thought it was about time that I did this! I’ve started many times, but got off the band wagon. I know that reading your bible daily is an easy way to stay close to God and have Him on your mind, so I put this on my daily to do list this year. The great thing is that the scripture verses and devotional are emailed to me each day. Thus far I’ve been successful at keeping up with this!
  2. Pray More—I’m trying to talk more to God each the good times and the bad. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 says to “Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”.
  3. Attend regular worship services & bibles studies AND seek out OTHER opportunities when possible to either SERVE or BE SERVED—I'm there whenever the doors are open for services but I know that's not enough. Sometimes you need a little "extra". This weekend I got the opportunity to attend a Young Ladies Day at a local congregation here in “town”. Hannah Colley Giselbach spoke on "Mean Girls to Godly Girls" and how we are not to be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good, Romans 12:21. This service helped to edify, uplift and rejuvenate me spiritually because of how she applied biblical girls to how we are today. It was just what I needed…at the right time in my life! I also look for ways to serve others so my eyes and ears are open of how I can be used of service. I got a lead today for something to do on Wednesday, if everything works out I'll be happy to serve someone. I’m not always the best, but I strive to be a giving person and do unto others as I would like for them to do unto me, Matthew 7:12.
  4. Watch and read spiritually focused materials. The Bible mini-series on “The History Channel”—I love…I’ve been watching this on TV and it has helped bring the bible to life in motion picture like never before for me! The real bible is the inspired word of God, but this mini-series is the Hollywood take on “The Bible”. Yes, I know some things aren’t 100% accurate in the mini-series, but it’s a pretty good account of the big “highlights” in the Bible with a few mini changes. I get a magazine bi-monthly called “Christian Woman” and usually whenever it arrives I read it cover to cover…great spiritual food for the hungry. I’ve added several blogs to my rss reading list that are spiritually focused. Plus, I have been trying to read other spiritually focused books this year, check out this link to see what I’ve been reading.
So this is how I’ve been digging deeper this year. I’ve been juggling this with all my other obligations, but I feel that these simple additions to my daily routine have been wonderful! These additions have been keeping me focused on the ultimate prize…getting to heaven one day which would be the ultimate true success in life.
What spiritual focus have you set your eyes onto this year? How is your progress coming along?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The reality of what people mean by saying "they’re not worth it".

Recently at bible study the topic of forgiveness was discussed and it made me think about what people have been telling me my whole life especially in the last month. People have been telling me “they’re not worth it” or “he’s not worth your time thinking about, so move on”. Sometimes people hurt us. It might be a friend, a relative, or a significant other. Maybe you have said this to someone before or even thought it before.  

Whenever friends try to say the comforting words of “they’re not worth it” or “he’s not worth your time…” to me this stings for a couple of reasons. One is the reality of moving forward and showing them grace & forgiveness and two is they don’t know & understand how I feel right now. What I think that people really want to tell me but don’t want to come right out and say is that when people hurt you— you should just move on and stop thinking about the “what ifs” and the past because you can’t change it now.

But what I really want them to say is…I understand you’re hurting. People are imperfect and don’t always know what they want, occasionally people make mistakes, and other times people do what is best at that moment because they are uncertain. Don’t try to relive the past and dwell in the “what ifs”. Thank God for His love and pray for the one who hurt you and forgive them. Eventually the hurt will disappear when you forgive them. Whatever happened is in the past is the past. Your value and self worth are not based on that person. Your time should not be spent thinking about it. Spend your time forgiving him.
In reality aren’t people who hurt us worth our time thinking about? God is superior and in His timing everything will be made alright. So I am trying to remember that friend/relative/guy is worth loving…he is worth forgiving…he is worth praying for…and he is worth my time. Like I’ve said before, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important” and forgiveness is one of the steps to mending the rough spots along your road so you can begin moving forward with life and feel kind, smart and important again. For me forgiveness brings peace and "life is good" again. And yes, I'm there now hence the post.  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Goals, Plans, Dreams & Wishes...Oh My!

Today at my in-service I learned the following things

This got me to thinking tonight...My goal is to get to heaven someday. Yes, it would be nice to have someone to share that goal with that would help me achieve it and be an encouragement along the way. I am content with waiting and being on reserve until I find the right person who deserves my heart and vice versa. I know that I am worthy and deserve so much that I am unwilling to settle for just anyone or anything in life. Some people call this picky, but I feel that my selectiveness if a very valid. Within our society today, the world views relationships and marriage & divorce as disposable and replaceable objects like diapers. Why did I choose the metaphor of a diaper…because whenever they get smelly, stinky or too full they are thrown out and a new one is in place almost within minutes. What happened to cloth diapers that were washed and cleaned daily & took skill to whiten and keep bright from those pesky stains? 

Being a single Christian allows one to have a deeper relationship with God and serve him more fully according to 1 Corinthians 7. God has a plan for everyone. God has a plan for some to marry and for others he wants them to have contentment in singleness. I know God has a plan for my life and my goal is to fulfill his purpose within my life. Like I have said throughout my blog I am unsure what my future holds and what God’s plan for me is, but then again who is 100% certain? I am looking for God to help fill in those gaps because I know that within due time…when God thinks that I am ready…I am sure that His plan will be revealed to me within His timing. God has a plan and I cannot wait to see the “Providence” in the upcoming years to see how everything ties together.
My prayer is that God helps me be content regardless of whatever else does or does not happen in my life. I also pray for patience and peace as His plan is revealed within my life. “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13.   
So, I’m on this journey through life growing in my trust of the Lord and believing that He has a plan for me so that I can reach my goal. My short-term goal currently is to move forward with a positive attitude, confident and content while practicing peace, obedience, and patience.        


Saturday, March 16, 2013

My thoughts on "Muscle and a Shovel" by Michael Shank

The congregation where I attend church collectively over the past few months has been reading the book “Muscle and a Shovel” by Michael Shank. I started the book with everyone else, but like my blog talks about…life…yes it happened to me...and I put other activities and books ahead of “Muscle and a Shovel”. I let procrastination get the best of me but I finally was determined to conquer the book today before our big “Muscle and a Shovel” Sunday at church! I was on a mission to read or else I was going to stay up all night to get it done. I spent a few hours this afternoon and a few hours after dinner getting this accomplished. This awesome book is a true story about the author and how God used his co-worker to lead him to think deeply about his believes and question everything that he knew about religion. Within the book, the author tells his compelling story of how he comes to understand the truth through reading his Bible and how he and his wife became Christians through digging deep into studying the word.

I am hoping that within my life I can be more like the co-worker in the book! Sometimes we get scared when it comes to religion and then just do not say anything at all to others. This book logically outlines the church of the New Testament and what individuals must do to become part of the body of Christ. The book shows us how scriptures within the bible can be used to change lives forever by simply starting the conversation with a few questions and following it up with your beliefs backed by scriptures. An underling theme in the story for those who are already Christians like me is to dig deeper and really understand the full message of the Bible so that you can answer questions about your faith whenever asked.
The author points out that reading the bible is not for the lazy and weak because it takes a muscle and a shovel to really understand the message.  I love how the author explains the importance of a muscle and a shovel are: “Mental” muscle and a willingness to use “honest intelligence” (the metaphorical shovel) to dig deep beyond all of our preconceived ideas, our false beliefs, and our comfortable traditions. Studying the Bible takes muscle and a shovel. (p. 190-191). I know within the last year I have been trying hard to dig deeper and study the scriptures more myself, so I leave you with the same challenge and the challenge the author gave…study. Do not believe what others have always taught you or what you have always heard…study. Actually, open the Bible and dig deeper and investigate it for yourself.  

Shank, M. (2011). Muscle and a Shovel. Lightning Source Press.