Monday, August 5, 2013

Our Corny Harvest Day!

After worship yesterday Lucy and I traveled to the great state of Tennessee to help out on the farm a little. There was no rest for these Savage Girls. The Savage Mama put me and my sister Anna to work and Lucy got to run around and play with Leo! Lucy was excited to be back on the family farm because she got to run around and play to her little hearts content. For "the humans" the big tasks of the day were to help put up cream-style corn, pick blackberries & raspberries, and do water aerobics in the pool. Needless to say Lucy is one exhausted little dog and she had one tired mama.

I've been helping put up corn on the farm from the time I was old enough to help pull the shucks off the ears of corn, but I don't think we have ever taken any photos until today. Here is the process we used to put up our cream-style corn. It is REAL scientific and technical!

Step 1: Shuck the corn.
Step 2: Silk the corn.

Step 3: Cut the corn off the cob.

Step 4: Blanch the corn-style corn by bringing it to a boil in a large stockpot for about 10 minutes or until it thickens. Cool corn and then package in plastic freezer bags. (Sorry I didn't take photos of this step...the Savage Mama did this while Anna and I cleaned up the shucks outside!) 
The clean-up helpers & side show entertainment Leo & Lucy! 
If you need a great resource for freezing or canning check out the National Center for Home Food Preservation. Trust name it and it is on this website...freeze, can, dehydrate, cure & smoke, pickle, ferment, etc. When in doubt look up whatever you are preserving because rules and recommendations might have changed since you first learned about food preservation.

On a side note we Savage Women today harvested corn, blackberries & raspberries and the harvest was plentiful and the food preservation was easy, but we ALL should also be mindful of another type of harvest and preservation method. The Bible speaks about how that what is sown on good soil will bear fruit and high yields in Matthew 13. With "good soil" meaning that the one who hears the word of the Gospel and understands it will have plenty and gain eternal home in heaven. Have you shared the Gospel lately with anyone? I am guilty...I need to do more of this! Here are my thoughts on this topic...

  • Maybe we should share with our friends the simple message that if they seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness all these things will be added to them (Matthew 6:33). 
  • "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16. 
  • "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him" John 3:36. 
  • In Acts chapter 2 three thousand souls were saved by obeying the gospel as they followed God's plan of salvation. They were "pricked in their hearts" by the gospel message according to Acts 2:37 and Peter told them to "repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of your sins, and ye shall receive that gift of the Holy Ghost" Acts 2:38. 
I challenge you to go help with the "harvest" and help "preserve" others so that we can all meet in heaven one day when we receive the gift of eternal life after we've followed the New Testament Plan of Salvation.  Here are a few others posts I've written about God's Plan...

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hot Dog!

Sunday marked a momentous occasion in the Savage Girl's household. I welcomed a bouncing bundle of joy into my life that likes to bark, cuddle, prance, sniff, go for long walks outside, and have her belly rubbed. Hot Dog the Savage Girl has a new member of the family! I know I've been saying I don't have the time to devote to a pet right now and that I travel too much, but I couldn't pass this opportunity up! With all that aside let me tell you about the sweet little cutie in my life. Her name is Lucky Lucy Savage. Lucy is a Chihuahua Rat Terrier mix. She is around 2 years old and was rescued from the Brimstone Creek area of Clay County, Tennessee by my tenderhearted dad last week when he spotted her while grading the road. Lucy closely resembles my brother, Leo, my parents dog so she caught my dad's eye on the road while he was at work.  My daddy could not bare to leave her behind in her starving condition, so he loaded her up inside the grader and brought her home to the farm. When I was on the farm on Sunday I could not leave her at my parents house because she stole my heart! Needless to say I'm now the proud owner of a dog!

My parents and I are sharing custody of Lucy because they did not want to part with her 100%! We have a doggy agreement that whenever I travel for work they will assume care-taking responsibilities for Lucy. Needless to say we're ALL Lucky including Lucy! Lucy now has a home, I have a new pet that I've been wanting, and my parents get to love on a new dog and send her home whenever they are finished loving on her. I believe it is a Win-Win for all parties involved.

So if you have parenting advice for this new pet owner please comment or send me a message. At the current time we are trying crate training and enjoying new adventures together being two single Savage Girls. So stay tuned because now you will get to start reading about my new four-legged little girl as I take on parenthood.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Plate it Up! Kentucky Proud

One of my favorite things at work to do is help others gain access to nutrition foods by sharing information about fresh produce through new recipes, techniques, and tips. When producers and consumers are aware of the food around them then they will increase their fruit and vegetable purchasing, preparation, consumption and preservation. Today I went to the Monroe County Farmers Market to Plate it Up! Kentucky Proud with this recipe.

A little prep-work went into my appearance today at the farmers market. I took a few photos yesterday afternoon when I prepared the recipe samples. So here are step by step directions to make this yummy recipe:

Assemble ingredients.

  • 3 ears sweet corn, shucked and washed

  • 1 cup low-sodium chicken broth

  • 1 cup uncooked couscous

  • 1 cup garbanzo beans (chick peas), drained and rinsed

  • 1 medium cucumber, washed, quartered and diced

  • 1 1/2 cups cherry tomatoes, washed and halved

  • 1/2 cup feta cheese

  • 1/4 cup chopped sweet onion

  • 3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil

  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice

  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano

  • ¾ teaspoon ground cumin

  • ½ teaspoon each, salt and pepper

Boil corn for 6-9 minutes or until tender. In a separate saucepan, bring broth to a boil and stir in couscous. Remove couscous from heat, cover and let stand 5-10 minutes.

Drain corn and immediately place in ice water. Drain ice water and pat corn dry; using a sharp knife cut the corn kernels from the cobs.

At some point you will need to cut up your veggies.

Fluff couscous with a fork and set aside to cool.

In a large bowl, combine the beans, cucumber, tomatoes, cheese, onion, and parsley. Add couscous and corn to the vegetables.

In a small bowl, whisk together the dressing ingredients.

Pour over the couscous mixture; toss to coat. Serve chilled.

Here is the finished product at the market today! It got rave reviews from those who tried it with the exception of one picky kid who didn't like "salads" he claimed.

Yield 9, 1 cup servings

Nutrition Analysis 200 calories, 7 g fat, 1.5 g saturated fat, 5 mg cholesterol,250 mg sodium, 28 g carbohydrate,4 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 7 g protein.  
Source: Plate it Up! Kentucky Proud Project Recipe Card
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud Project

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

smALL Things!

The past few weeks and days have been super busy, but that's the Savage Life! This week the Monroe County Fair is going on, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky is visiting Tompkinsville today, and my Weight the Reality Series program started yesterday. Needless to say life is full speed ahead, so here is a quick update on the Savage Girl... 

  • I've tracked my DAILY food and physical activity since my last posting using my WW app on my mobile device! 
  • I've made a point to MOVE more and DIG deeper. So far this week I've moved 60+ minutes each day since the last posting and I've spent the majority of that time letting His word talk to me while I've been moving at the gym. I'm a couple of weeks behind on my daily bible reading because I've been super busy and my daily devotional email reminder stopped coming (sad), BUT I think I'm about caught back up to where I should be if I was still within the plan to read the Bible in a year. According to my Kindle app I'm 50% through the Bible now! My goal is to read it cover to cover this year... Tomorrow I'm going to try to get back in my daily DIG routine of letting His word talk to me before my feet hit the ground. If only I could get motivated to get up early and MOVE before work. I'm still working on this one, but for now my MOVEment comes after work!  
  • I've not ate anything after 8:00 p.m. since the last posting! I'm a sucker for late night snacks, so this has been hard! 
  • 35 people signed up for the WTRS program I'm conducting, 30 showed up the first night...and collectively lost 35.6 pounds since they registered last week! 
  • The only 3 beverages I've consumed in the last few days have been water, coffee, and green tea. I cut out carbonated beverages (my Diet Coke addiction) something like 6 months ago! I read somewhere that green tea helps with weight loss, diabetes control, heart disease prevention and much more, so maybe my consumption will help ward off my extra baggage and prevent diabetes & heart disease from entering my life.
  • I'm currently caught up with my daily work record keeping...thanks to a co-worker's advice on a new book idea to record my statisticals prior to my end of the month reports.

Everyone should celebrate ALL the smALL successes in life no matter the size...right? This has been my motivation for the last 6+ months...smALL life things hence the blog!    

Anyways this is enough ramblings for one day! Now off to my day job...please pray that I can get my creative juices flowing quickly this morning because I'm going to need them! 

Sources of graphics: 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Savage Girl Challenge

I have chosen TODAY the 21st day of July 2013 to reevaluate my healthy living goals, create a new game plan and challenge myself more in order to take off the last 25 pounds off so I can meet my goal weight.

To be 100% honest here lately I've been slacking in the department of physical activity, drinking more water, and portion control! We are at the peak of the summer and the humidity & heat are killers to my will power. I've used the excuses of having the lack of time and the extreme weather when in reality I've had a lack of will power A LOT here lately. This has become a road block in my weight loss success and today this has to STOP. So I'm challenging myself to reevaluate and set a few new goals for myself! My Weight the Reality Series (Take 2) program at work starts on Tuesday and I expect my participants to help hold me accountable to my goals and I will do the same for you...If you want to join my program the information is located in the post called "Upcoming program the Savage Girl is hosting through work...WTRS!"

So here are my new goals:

  1. Measure my portion sizes. 
  2. Start tracking my daily food intake (again) including my water intake. 
  3. Aim for 4 to 5 days of 30-60 minutes of exercise a week. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday are my best days to achieve this because of my schedule at if you see me out and about on one of these days please ASK me if I've moved yet!
  4. Get back in the habit of packing a healthy lunch and snacks to work.
  5. No food after 8 p.m. in the Savage Girl household. 
So you now know my new goals. I will keep you posted on my success, challenges, and failures on this blog, so stay tuned. I will try to reevaluate each week and keep you posted...

Is there anyone out there in the blogging world having the same problem as me? Or am I am the lone ranger out there with these challenges? Well join the Savage Girl Challenge and set a few new healthy living goals and game plan for yourself. If you want to join The Savage Girl Challenge "like" the post, leave me a comment, or send me a message...please tell me (and other readers of the blog) what your new goals are. I'll help keep you accountable if you replicate for me! If it takes a village to raise a child it is going to take an entire online virtual community of family and friends to help the Savage Girl meet her goal weight.

Keep in mind I am not on a diet. I'm trying to live a healthy lifestyle for a healthier body in order to prevent the onset of a family history of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. So far I've done pretty well except for the roadblock I've recently experienced. I've lost 50 pounds thus far and would love to shave 25 more pounds off. Losing 10% of your body weight can help reduce your risk factors associated the disease and hopefully delay and or indefinitely postpone the onset of the disease. Let me know if you have any questions...