Monday, March 4, 2013

Life's Bumps and Signs

Trying to smile and put on a happy face. I keep telling myself, "You is kind, you is smart, you is important" like Aiblieen says in the book "The Help". In the meantime here are my reflections on life's "bumps" and "signs". Every individual whether single, dating, married, or divorced is traveling down the path of life. Each one of us is traveling via our favorite mode of transportation (car, truck, by foot, train, airplane, etc.) and we are all traveling at our own speed whether slow, within the speed limit, or very fast. We each see and interpret “signs” and “bumps” differently that come into our view while we are traveling down the road of life.
Sometimes we encounter the “sign” of a roadblock and or obstacles that might dart into our path. These make us agitated, angry, nervous, scared, shaken, happy, joyful, thankful, etc. There are even times when the road of life gets a little bumpy which is another sign of sorts, but hopefully for most people the road is smooth with only a few occasional bumps. I’ve learned that bumps usually make us stronger and more prepared for the path ahead in life.
These “bumps” come in the form of change along the road too. I have learned that you cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people that you choose to be around. Sometimes people choose to not be around you and that might be hard to grip at times, but change is inevitable and the sooner we accept it the sooner we can be at peace with ourselves. If we want to grow and change sometimes we might have to take risks. “Growth means change and change involves risks, stepping from the known to the unknown.” “Time change, people change, situations change, relationships change. The only thing constant is change.” For me letting go of the past and accepting change can be hard sometimes. I have learned that people grieve and react differently to life’s situations. We must keep traveling down the road because what is right for me might not be right for you. The sooner we accept change I believe the easier the transition is for us to move on and let go.
“Bumps” and “signs” help mold and shape our thoughts, feelings, wants, and desires into the person God wants us to be. God is the creator of all things and He knows every detail about us. He sends things our way to test us to see if we can stay on the road and on the right path of life. Usually once, we have overcome these bumps and are driving once again on smooth surfaces we find time to review our experiences and see how they are interconnected. Reviewing the bumps gives us great insight into ourselves and helps us see into what we have become. Reflecting moments like this are when usually we can get a glimpse of the Providence God has bestowed within our lives. It might take months, years, or even decades to see the Providence, but I have faith that it is there so I just wait so that one day I might see and understand how the recent “signs” and “bumps” have influenced my life.

We must have trust in God and believe in Him and His timing. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5. Leaving you with this inspirational art message, I found today as come to accept my newfound status in life, “I’m not single. I’m not taken. I’m simply on reserve for the one who deserves my heart.”

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